Why Effective Communication Matters in the Workplace - [website] Email Print
Published: 21st of Apr 2023 by: Staff Writer

In the workplace, communication can quite literally make or break a team. They say the biggest problem when it comes to communication is the illusion that it has taken place. We might think we are communicating effectively, but in reality, it could be a completely different story.

The first thing we need to remember when it comes to effective communication is that it's not just about what you say or how you say it. A huge part of effective communication is "listening". As Simon Sinek says, there is a big difference between actively listening and just waiting for your turn to speak...

We explore this and more in our Communication Excellence workshop, in which we take a deep dive into effective communication and developing communication skills to supply delegates with the necessary knowledge and confidence to conduct advanced business conversations, and ensure high standards of communication within an organisation.

At Staff Training we are quite passionate about this topic, because we know that effective communication in the workplace is what drives results for the entire organisation.

Let's take a look at some benefits that effective communication within an organization can hold:

• Increased productivity
• Increase in morale
• Promotes team building and trust
• Increases employee engagement
• Supports conflict resolution and prevention

And did you know that communication, or the lack there of directly affects the success of leadership within an organisation?

"If I had to name a single all-purpose instrument of leadership, it would be communication" ~John W Gardner

In the book "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork" by John C Maxwell, he highlights three standards that people in the position of leading a team should live by:

Be consistent. Nothing frustrates team members more than leaders who cannot make up their minds.
Be clear. Your team cannot execute if they don’t know what you want. Don't try to dazzle with intelligence, keep it simple and straight forward.
Be courteous. Everyone deserves to be shown respect, no matter what their position or what kind of history you might have with them. If you are courteous to your people, you set the tone for your entire organization.

He continued by saying that as a leader, your communication sets the tone for the interaction among your people.

Look, the smart people who said communication is the key to success weren't lying, and there is so much more that can be said about the benefits of effective communication, but also so much more that goes into it or that can be taught than just mentioned in this blog.

If you're wondering whether communication training is necessary, our vote is always yes! It yields almost instant results to those who implement the knowledge gained in the training and can make a huge difference within your team and organisation.

Our recommendation? Our Communication Excellence workshop and Team Development with the Enneagram. Contact us for more information!

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 60 workshops on offer
Email us at info@StaffTraining.co.za for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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