Are You a Good Manager? - [website] Email Print
Published: 21st of Jul 2023 by: Staff Writer

If you are in a leadership or management position, today's burning question calls for a bit of introspection... Would you work for you?

At Staff Training, we work with many different teams and individuals... But it's an unfortunate fact that even though many of our delegates truly benefit from the courses we run, we are also acutely aware that a lot of the problems they voice during workshops stem from poor management styles within their respective companies.

All too often the title of manager is given, but without the necessary upskilling or training to go with it. No Management or Leadership training, no tools to aid self-insight, no communication skills courses - nada!!

So, why do we ask that you look within and ask yourself whether you would work for you? Because there could be some valuable insight there, perspective perhaps?

"Wisdom can only come through honest introspection." ~ Nirmala Srivastava

People are the gold standard of the company. Unhappy staff = low productivity = poor service to the customer. This chain is in place whether you are prepared to acknowledge it or not. As sure as night follows day, poor managerial and/or leadership skills will impact negatively on the output of your company.

Here are a few things you should ask yourself:

• Are you genuinely excited about your position and company? Disengaged managers breed disengaged employees!

• Are you passionate about providing a climate conducive to learning new things; cognisant that each person working for you is an individual and should be treated as such?

• Are you managing from a stance of trust as opposed to fear? A good way to gauge this is to note if your staff member comes straight to you or their reporting manager, as soon as they mess up, so you can fix the problem asap. In other words, are you solution or blame driven?

• Are you micro-managing them into a black hole of no self-esteem?

• Do you trust your team to do their best and when problems arise you include them in finding the solution?

• Are your policies logical and fair? Are they constantly revised in order to ensure they remain relevant?

• Are your employees given in-house training on processes on a regular basis?

• Do you upskill your employees by sending them through on external training courses? Investing in their future growth.

• Are you clear about what is expected from each one of them, and open to updating or revising areas of responsibility where necessary?

• Are you transparent about the good and the bad where appropriate? Never leave them guessing and insecure – rather play open cards and include them where possible.

• Have you put time into structuring a skills training plan to help with employee career development?

If you answered yes to most of these - you're on the right track. We welcome you to join us on our Management and Leadership workshops and gain the tools with which to take you and your staff to new heights. We pride ourselves on offering courses designed to bring you both cutting edge as well as tried and trusted theories with a practical and real approach. During the workshops, we run these tools against various scenarios in order for you to actually grasp their relevance.

If you answered no to most of the above questions, then we can definitely help. Our Leadership and Managerial training courses are amongst the most popular of our offerings, and for good reason! We are excited about helping you reach your full potential and giving you the skills to ensure your staff members feel the same way.

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 60 workshops on offer. Email us at for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660.

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