This workshop is geared towards all those individuals who wish to develop their assertiveness, enabling them to get results quicker and more effectively. From reception to management, if you have an unassertive team member it is likely that either their productivity or their motivation will suffer because of it.
The Definition of Assertiveness
Understanding what assertiveness is and what it is not
Assertiveness vs. Unassertiveness and Aggression
Identifying behaviours and body language of the above communication styles
How Unassertive Behaviour Manifests
Recognising the situations where we tend to be unassertive and how these translate to daily behaviours and habits
The Consequences of Not Being Assertive
How being unassertive impacts on career, lives, jobs and those around us
How Assertive Behaviour Manifests
The positive results of assertive behaviour
Changing Others By Changing Yourself
Recognising your power and sphere of influence
Recognising the Choice of Victim or Victor
Finding the positive and the CAN do in the situation
Understanding People
Recognising the different personality types and their communication styles
Body Language
Reading it, understanding it, using it
Techniques for Building Assertiveness
4 basic techniques, Physical, Saying No in Different Ways, Broken Record, DESC, Fogging
How to give and how to receive
Working Towards Good Confidence
Recognising that being more assertive needs continual work and mindfulness
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." ~ Winston Churchill
There is no need to change your personality to become more assertive, all you need to do is to ensure that your personality shines through.
Being assertive means that you make yourself heard and that you communicate well. Aggression is the opposite of assertiveness as much as being unassertive is.
At our assertiveness courses, we delve into the reasons for unassertive and aggressive behaviour, understanding ourselves and finally our chosen communication patterns.
This is a life-giving workshop, we recommend it for every person whether in management or not.
If you battle to say no, go over to silent withdrawal or active aggression, this is for you.
Prices include VAT @ 15% All our full day open hosted workshops commence at 08:30 and end at 16:30. Virtual Seminar times are flexible. For inhouse workshops we will travel to your premises. All course material, lunch and refreshments are provided, if applicable.