What I Wish I Knew as a Young Adult Starting Her Own Business - [website] Email Print
Published: 24th of May 2024 by: Debbie Engelbrecht

I think one of the most inspiring words I ever read was, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life".

The impact of those words on me has been profound.

Think about it...

This means that what you do not know today, with a bit of effort you can possibly know tomorrow. It means that if you have been particularly remiss in addressing an aspect of your life, you can start right now. If you have wronged in the past, you can now right. The possibilities are endless.

At the time of reading it, now many decades ago, Staff Training was a young company. We had started from very humble beginnings and as always, the challenges were mounting. We did not have the funds to employ all the skills we needed and we did not have any kind of financial backing.

I was pondering the wisdom of starting up with little but a vision of what we had to offer and a burning desire to do so. At that point, I realized that I seriously lacked Project Management skills and was lamenting the fact that as an entrepreneur one simply must work your fingers to the bone and in that process, you often miss the critical continued attention to your vision.

In my mind if I was able to break each part of the vision into a project, it would mean that I could outsource if funds allowed, I could be reminded of where to turn my attention if time allowed and I could certainly remain focused if I was disciplined enough. It worked. Here we are 25 years later and going strong.

Now I am reminiscing and wondering why the critical skill of basic project management is not taught at school already. Simply put, even if you are working on your own, breaking a project down into its basic components almost always leads to a great outcome, as when things do go awry and they often do, it becomes quite simple to know where to direct your thinking to get them back on track.

In addition to this, it doesn't matter how amazing you and your team are, or what software you are using, if your thinking does not remain focused and structured, the project is doomed to run late. This is indeed the most likely outcome and as we know the triple constraint of quality, cost and time remains crucial in business success.

And yes, obviously this is a workshop we present.

Our Basic Project Management workshop aims to help plan for and execute projects efficiently and fully. It covers the basics of good project management, so please do note that this is not an advanced project management course.

© Debbie Engelbrecht 2024

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 80 workshops on offer.
Email us at info@StaffTraining.co.za for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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