May The Force Be With You - [website] Email Print
Published: 5th of May 2023 by: Shona Potgieter

Yes, we used a Star Wars reference to get your attention. But it was also a clever play on words because it's the month of May and we have something to say...

Ok, let's get serious. What are we getting serious about? Our goals, our plans, our learning and our growth.

When we talk about skills training or learning and development, it is important to remember that it is not just aimed at new hires or to bridge a skills gap (though it is great for this purpose).

Even the most skilled and experienced workers can and will benefit from training.

When it comes to things like communication, conflict management, leadership, emotional intelligence and critical thinking, you can never have too many tools in your arsenal. It's not about "knowing enough", it's about continuous learning and adapting... Evolving with the ever-changing landscape.

Another reason we advocate for soft skills training is because with the advancement of technology, AI news headlines and an app for every need, it's important to remember that there is nothing quite like the human touch. Whether you are checking in with your team or communicating with customers...

So, let's not put our training and development plans on the backburner, prioritise training within your organisation!

At Staff Training we offer inhouse, open-hosted and virtual training. Just let us know what works for you and your team and we will do the rest. You can use our Training Calendar to plan your training for the next few months.

Our recommendation for May and June:

Inhouse Team Development training with the Enneagram

You're welcome to contact us to learn more about this workshop and the benefits for your team!

To conclude, we'd like to quote a article by Amy Blaschka, which truly encompasses why training and development (with the emphasis on Soft Skills) is so important...

"At its core, business is about relationships. No matter your job or title, to succeed, you must interact with others."

Our team looks forward to hearing from you and helping you plan your upcoming training!

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 60 workshops on offer.
Email us at for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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