A Mindful Moment: Stop and Smell the Roses - [website] Email Print
Published: 15th of Sep 2023 by: Shona Beukes

Spring is here, but that doesn't mean that everyone is taking a moment to stop and smell the roses. Some might be worrying about the future, others might still be stressed about past mistakes and some of us might just be burying our heads in everything we still have to check off our to-do list...

Is there any value in taking a moment to be present among everything that is already filling our headspace? We live such fast-paced lives, how often do you take a moment to just "be", to recognise your thoughts and feelings and appreciate the good?

For me, it is essential that I do this. I am a worrier; I worry about the future as if I have some sort of control over it - this leads to me be being stressed about things that haven't even happened yet and might not even happen. How ridiculous is that!

Taking a moment to be present has allowed me to gain perspective. To realise where I am and everything that I have in my life to be thankful for... Things I worried about in the past, by the way!

Being present is almost like giving your mind a break, giving that little hamster on the wheel a moment to catch his breath and have a sip of water... What follows is renewed energy, fresh ideas, and improved performance- now that's a benefit I'm sure many of us can get behind!

According to an article by Headspace.com, being present in your life can actually lead to you being a happier, healthier human being. This is because it leads to better moods, more energy, less emotional distress and can even lessen emotional exhaustion in the workplace.

So, to you reading this blog. As you continue this crazy journey called life, please remember to stop and smell the roses. Be present and be kind to your mind, life is fleeting so make every moment count!

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 60 workshops on offer.

Email us at info@StaffTraining.co.za for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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