A Feel Good Story: Great Service Starts with a Good Receptionist! - [website] Email Print
Published: 2nd of Jun 2023 by: Debbie Engelbrecht

This past week, Wednesday the 31st of May to be exact, I was on the receiving end of a great reception and service.

A huge shout out to Goodhope Tyres in Goodwood in the Western Cape!

I phoned in at about 08h30 just to check whether they had the tyres for my car in stock, but being me I had no idea what size of tyre I needed! After providing my vehicle make and model, I was told that these vehicles take one of 2 sizes but luckily they have both sizes in stock. I then also mentioned that I may want my brakes checked as I have been hearing a noise that may indicate that the pads are worn.

Just to give you perspective... The opposite side of the coin could sound a little like this:
"Unfortunately I can't give you a price as those cars take one of 2 different tyre sizes!"

Back to my wonderful experience...
After a friendly greeting, reassurance that all tyres were in stock with a ballpark price range and that the brake specialists are ready and waiting I arrived at the shop about an hour later. I pulled my vehicle into the workshop and got out ready to go to the reception window. I had not yet reached the window when the receptionist was already giving the instructions to the fitter to check out the requirements I had mentioned on the phone.

With a smile she said I could sit in the coffee shop and they would come and give me their assessment once they have checked the vehicle out.

Now I drive a very ordinary, non-descript every day vehicle. An hour had transpired between the original phone call and my pulling into the workshop. The workshop at that moment had 2 other drive-in vehicles in it and a few moments later about 10.

My point is this. The receptionist did not simply see that first phone call as just an enquiry that needed no real engagement from her. She was fully engaged and remembered the query, despite the subsequent ones and quickly put two and two together as I drove in. Here too she was alert as she noticed me, long before I noticed her.

Even then, she didn't wait for me to repeat the questions from the telephone or remind her that I had spoken to her. She simply actioned, while also recognizing that should I have any further queries there would be a new engagement just before the go-ahead is given.

The combination of this excellent telephone etiquette together with full engagement and knowing how to use her words, has made this one of the most pleasurable customer experiences I have ever experienced. Kudos indeed!

© Debbie Engelbrecht 2023
Debbie is the MD at Staff Training, providing soft skills and leadership training for South Africans since 2000. Should you wish for Staff Training to put together an annual training package for you covering aspects of management, leadership and self-mastery, please email info@stafftraining.co.za

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