Presentation Skills


A two-day workshop aimed at supplying the learners with the necessary knowledge and confidence, to prepare themselves and to deliver high quality presentations. We live in a visual world where the quality of our work is often judged by how we are able to present our vision and/or successes.


An Introduction

Defining what a presentation is.
Understanding the different categories of presentations.
Understanding why everyone is a sales person and understanding persuasive techniques.

Understanding Your Personal Goal

Why having this skill is so important to you.
What are the professional expectations that others have?
Common challenges relating to the delivery of presentations.
The Johari Window - how you are perceived.

Understanding Your Audience

Identifying personality types - understanding the communication needs of others and your own comfort zone.
Audience composition - large, small, mandatory or voluntary.

Your Topic

Understanding it fully.
Knowing your product/service.
Knowing your limitations.
Unpacking the pros/cons and risks.
Creating and Managing Expectations.
How to deal with the unknown.

Effective Verbal Communication

Clear communication.
Framing your presentation.
Your voice, your power tool.
Pace of delivery.
Gestures, movements and posture.
Engaging the audience with eye contact and other tips.
Silence for impact.
Appropriate humour.
Using stories, anecdotes and analogies.
Techniques to draw your audience in.

What is required: Effective Presentation Visuals

Know your audience demographics.
Define a structured path and flow of information.
Checking the logic flow.
What to include in each section of the presentation:


Creating killer visuals enabling delivery that is both consistent and creative.
Using variation to combat fatigue.

Preparing Yourself

Appropriate Dress Code.
Rehearsing for a strong and commanding presence.
Using Personal Space.
Getting rid of nervous habits.
Mind Power exercises to beat the nerves.

Professional Polishing Tips

From being able to go with the flow and refocusing the audience, to dealing with difficult audiences and creating parking lots for future conversations, some excellent tips to stay in control.

US IDUnit Standard TitleNQF LevelCredits
242840Make oral presentations42


This course will benefit all employees whose role requires them to research, produce and present reports and presentations. These would include sales people, managers, supervisors, and support staff.

At the end of this workshop delegates will be well versed in how to prepare and deliver presentations.

US ID NQF Level Credits Description
1194653 5 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts
1194542 5 Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication
1194594 5 Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts
1194624 5 Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts
1194723 5 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication
124335 8 Use communication techniques effectively
1196351 6 Engage in a range of speaking/signing and listening interactions for a variety of purposes (Historical)

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Cape Town: 2025-02-17
Johannesburg: 2025-02-17
Durban: 2025-02-17
Port Elizabeth: 2025-02-17
Polokwane: 2025-02-17
Pretoria: 2025-02-17
Virtual Seminar: 2025-02-17
Book Inhouse: Enquire Now

A very interesting course. We learnt a lot and look forward to seeing how my presentations improve, thank you! ~ Len

Course Outline

The Staff Training workshop listed here is one which has been compiled for maximum organisational outcome, however, SETA alternatives are available

SETA Alternatives Available
The duration of this seminar is 2 days
Cape Town Johannesburg Polokwane Durban Port Elizabeth Pretoria Virtual
R5950.00 p/p R6550.00 p/p R5950.00 p/p R6550.00 p/p R5950.00 p/p R6550.00 p/p R5550.00 p/p
Please contact us for inhouse pricing.
Prices include VAT @ 15%
All our full day open hosted workshops commence at 08:30 and end at 16:30. Virtual Seminar times are flexible. For inhouse workshops we will travel to your premises.
All course material, lunch and refreshments are provided, if applicable.