Power Session: Introduction to Change Management


To understand the importance of the role change plays and how to strategically manage and introduce change in an organisation. Ineffective change management leads to a breakdown of strategy which in turn impacts negatively on the outcome. For effective results the specific circumstances that go along with change need to be identified, understood and effectively addressed.


3 Hour Session.

Definitions of:
VUCA conditions.
Change Management.
Change Process.
Employee Wellness.

The Nature of Change – what to expect
Approaching change from an organisational change perspective.
Approaching change from a team change perspective.
Approaching change from an individual perspective.

Reactive and Proactive Change
The difference between reactivity and pro activity to change.

The Individuals’ Process of Resistance to Change
The filter of the mind.
How our perceptions are formed.
How we behave when faced with change.
Top 10 Reasons for resistance to change.
Identifying behaviours.

The learning matrix, the importance of collaboration and communication We don't know what we don't know.
We do know what we don't know.
We do know what we know.
We don't know what we know.


The delegate will be able to demonstrate and implement a better-planned and formalised way forward, managing change whilst retaining and/or increasing productivity.

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The Staff Training workshop listed here is one which has been compiled for maximum organisational outcome, however, SETA alternatives are available

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The duration of this seminar is 0.3 days
Cape Town Johannesburg Polokwane Durban Port Elizabeth Pretoria Virtual
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Prices include VAT @ 15%
All our full day open hosted workshops commence at 08:30 and end at 16:30. Virtual Seminar times are flexible. For inhouse workshops we will travel to your premises.
All course material, lunch and refreshments are provided, if applicable.