Your September Training Plan - [website] Email Print
Published: 25th of Aug 2023 by: Shona Beukes

We've seen first hand the positive impact regular training has on individuals, teams and organisations as a whole. It all comes down to...

Skills Development training is a 'must-have', not just a 'nice to have'. Investing in training is an investment in the growth and success of your employees and organisation.
It is a commitment to excellence!

So, are you ready to plan your September training and development?

Here are our top 4 recommendations for the month ahead:

Communication Excellence

Communication breakdown is responsible for the majority of errors in the business environment, enabling and promoting better communication allows for less conflict and improved productivity.

Developing your Management Potential

Management training and supervisor training underpins the success of every company and delivers exceptional ROI. The fact is that being proficient at what you do and managing a team to do the same thing, requires two totally different skills sets and most managers fail because they cannot and/or refuse to recognise this. Good managers are trained managers!

Team Development with the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a leading personal development tool and has been adapted to calculate the tendencies and group dynamics in a team. Using team reports, our accredited facilitators are able to help and guide teams to be more effective and productive.


This workshop is geared towards all those individuals who wish to develop their assertiveness, enabling them to get results quicker and more effectively. From reception to management, this a great workshop that is incredibly beneficial for any member of your team. At our assertiveness courses, we delve into the reasons for unassertive and/or aggressive behaviour, understanding ourselves and finally our chosen communication patterns.

You are welcome to request a free quote for any of these workshops, we've made it easier by including an online form on our website where you can request a quote. Please use this this link to submit your request...

A quick reminder that we train nationally and offer open-hosted training (at one of our venues), inhouse training (we come to your premises) and virtual training (Zoom or MS Teams).

If you would like to plan ahead and see our full list of offerings, please take a look at our training calendar and let us know how we can assist you.

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 80 workshops on offer. Email us at for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660.

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