Your 2023 Training Calendar - [website] Email Print
Published: 4th of Nov 2022 by: Staff Writer

As you know, training and development is one of the best investments your organization can make.

But there's one mistake companies make too often...
Not planning ahead.

Picture this... You tell yourself that you'll book training closer to the time, or when it is necessary, but when the time comes:

• You don't have the budget anymore- it was spent elsewhere
• You don't have the time, things just got too busy
• It's too late- the effects of lack of training/skills has already taken a toll (think loss of customers, lack of productivity and even low sales numbers)

By planning ahead, you are showing concrete commitment to the growth and development of your team, which in turn will have a great impact on workplace morale and motivation.

We thought to include some stats relating to the training and development of your workforce:

"94% of employees would stick with an organization longer if it invested in their training."
"68% of workers consider training and development opportunities an organization's most important policy."
"74% of workers consider lack of development programs as the reason they're not unlocking their full potential." (TeamStage, Employee Training Statistics: Cost of Progress in 2022)

If you're ready to get serious about return on investment, now is the time to consider the cost of procrastination on this cardinal decision. Edward De Bono refers to employees as the gold value in his '6 Value Medals', all with good reason.

For ease of reference our 2023 training calendar is ready, you can find it here

At Staff Training we are committed to giving our clients, and their teams, a great training experience. We currently offer more than 60 workshops, all created to empower and equip the workforce with practical and immediately implementable skills... From Leadership Training and Team Development, to Customer Care, Assertiveness and Conflict Management Skills, to mention just a few.

You can join us at one of our venues or book inhouse training and we'll come to you.

Contact us today, we are standing by to help you put together a training plan that works!

Staff Training is a South African soft skills training provider with more than 60 workshops on offer.
Email us at for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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