Help! I Am Stressed... - [website] Email Print
Published: 27th of Oct 2023 by: Staff Writer

The countdown to the end of 2023 has begun, and it is only natural for many of us to feel overwhelmed and stressed.

So, as we race to reach our annual goals, it is important to remember that we need to pay attention to how and what we are feeling. We need to acknowledge our stress, so that we can better manage it.

You see, our work-related stress isn't just something that goes away once we switch off our computers and finish up for the day, it doesn't just vanish once we get home... No, it will still be present, and if you have any stressors at home- it will all add up.

Unfortunately, when stress persists, it can take a huge toll on your health... Mental and physical!

So, what can we do to help us manage our stress?

1. Practice Self-Care

This might sound like a cliche by now, especially if you take into consideration what a buzz word this has become. But it doesn't make it any less true...

Whether self-care to you is going for a massage once a week or taking a night off from cooking and enjoying some down-time on the couch- do it! Self-care can take many forms, find what works for you... Put your needs first, you're allowed to.

2. Be Kind and Stay Positive

Think about how many times you've been hard on yourself for making a mistake at work? How often do you think negative thoughts about your looks or accomplishments, and how often do you compare yourself with your friends or colleagues?

Sometimes we're our own worst enemy, when in fact you should be your biggest cheerleader!

So be kind to yourself, think positive thoughts and remember you are human - and wonderfully so!

3. Eat the Elephant

Sometimes a bunch of small things can look like a mountain that's going to come crashing down on you. All you must do is eat the elephant, and you do that one bite at a time...

Take it one step at a time- one task/job at a time.

Simplify your work-life by focussing on one thing at a time, and then move on to the next.

It's much easier to breathe this way...

4. Breathing Exercises

Do me a favour - hold your breath for the next 30 seconds...
Do you feel the pressure that builds in your chest? Can you feel how your body urges you to take a breath, those panic signals that go off in your body?

Well that's exactly why working on your breathing is such an effective stress reliever!

So next time you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed simply do the following:

Take a slow and deep breath in for 5 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds and breathe out slowly for 5 seconds.

You can repeat this exercise a few times, working your way up to 7 seconds and finally 10 seconds each.

In conclusion I'd like you to read, and remember, the following quote... Write it down if you have to!

"I will breathe. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. I will simply breathe, and it will be okay. Because I don’t quit." ~ Shayne McClendon

Remember you might not be able to control everything in life, but you can control your thoughts and how you react to things.

If you'd like some help with surviving stress then Staff Training have the workshop for you! Our Stress and Time Management workshop gives individuals the tools they need to manage their time effectively and overcome the stress-induced obstacles they face. You can join us for a full-day workshop or half-day coaching session...

We even have an online course available!

Email us at for more info or give us a call at 0861 996 660

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