Communication Tips for Stressful Situations - [website] Email Print
Published: 20th of May 2022 by: Staff Writer

When it comes to conflict or any stressful situation, it is important that we effectively communicate our way through it.

Good communication in these situations not only aids in resolving the conflict, but it can also build trust and strengthen relationships- which is a win in both a personal and professional aspect!

Before we continue, there are a few things that we need to keep in mind when it comes to communication...

Not everyone communicates the same way. It's important to remember that we might have different perspectives, see problems differently and react differently. There is a huge element of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that goes hand-in hand with effective communication in stressful situations.

Now let's look at 4 communication strategies to help you communicate effectively and resolve disagreements.

1. Listen

Listening is of the upmost importance when it comes to communication. You need to hear/know what the other person is saying before you can respond- it seems obvious, doesn't it. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment 'listening' often takes a back seat.

Keep in mind that you are not the only one feeling under pressure, your team or colleague is most likely feeling it just as much as you are. Listen to what they have to say, hear them. It can only add to the tension if the other person feels like they aren't being heard.

2. Control your emotions and your words

This is very important.
Be careful not to say something in the heat of the moment, you might not be able to take it back or recover from it. I know it can be difficult to keep it in, but take a breath and stay calm. It could save many work relationships and most likely your job!

The last thing you need is for your emotions to run away with you. Think of your anger like a raging bull, once you let it out of its cage- well you can just imagine...

Breathe. Take a moment to settle. It might also be wise to consider scheduling a set time to address the situation, this gives everyone involved time to gather their thoughts and talking points.

3. Identify your style

How do you react to stressful situations?
It is so important to know yourself, your reactions and your triggers. Once you have identified your "style" you can take pro-active steps towards working on effective communication!

4. Respond accurately

Acknowledge that you have heard and understand what the other person has said, whether or not you agree with them.
Check your facts if you need to, don't just assume what the person meant.

"Do I understand that you meant..."
"Am I correct in understanding that..."

This helps you to avoid responding in a manner that can lead to more conflict. Remember that assumptions are more often than not, incorrect!

Always remain calm, but honest when responding. Clarify what is said and meant, from both sides.

So, the next time you are facing a stressful situation remember to Listen attentively, Speak carefully and Respond accurately!

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