12537 Identify Personal Values and Ethics in the Workplace


A learner assessed as competent against this unit standard will be able to understand the need for a personal value system and identify ethical and unethical practices in the workplace.


NQF Level 1 - 4 Credits

This unit standard replaces:
This unit standard does not replace any other unit standard and is not replaced by any other unit standard.

Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning
It is assumed that the learner has some basic literacy.

Unit standard range
Guides to the scope and complexity of the specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge are provided in bullet points beneath each. These are prefaced by "e.g." since they are neither comprehensive nor necessarily appropriate to all contexts. Alternatives must however be comparable in scope and complexity.

Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Specific Outcome 1
Reflect upon a value system.

Specific Outcome 2
Explore the need for ethics in the workplace.

Specific Outcome 3
Respect the values of others in the workplace.

Specific Outcome 4
Identify areas where value conflicts could occur in a specific context.

US ID NQF Level Credits Description
1139242 2 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment
2428154 5 Apply the organisations code of conduct in a work environment
2520425 5 Apply the principles of ethics to improve organisational culture
1139242 2 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment
2520425 5 Apply the principles of ethics to improve organisational culture
1100821 6 Understand the impact of customer service on a business
1139242 2 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment
1149592 4 Behave in a professional manner in a business environment
1149742 2 Apply the basic skills of customer service
2428154 5 Apply the organisations code of conduct in a work environment
2431931 4 Practice good health and grooming habits (Historical)
2520425 5 Apply the principles of ethics to improve organisational culture

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This workshop is accredited by Services SETA

SETA Accredited Course
The duration of this seminar is 1 days
Cape Town Johannesburg Polokwane Durban Port Elizabeth Pretoria Virtual
R3000.00 p/p R3250.00 p/p R3000.00 p/p R3250.00 p/p R3000.00 p/p R3250.00 p/p R2700.00 p/p
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